
A computer is an electronic device that processes data and performs a wide range of tasks by executing instructions provided by a program or software. It is a versatile tool used in various fields, including business, education, entertainment, research, and personal use. Computers have become an integral part of modern life, and they come in various forms, from desktop computers and laptops to smartphones and tablets.

सर्वनाम (Pronoun) किसे कहते है? परिभाषा, भेद एवं उदाहरण भगवान शिव के 12 ज्योतिर्लिंग | नाम, स्थान एवं स्तुति मंत्र प्रथम विश्व युद्ध: विनाशकारी महासंग्राम | 1914 – 1918 ई.