Explore the fascinating realm of Civics with our Class 6 Civics book question answer solutions. Designed to enhance understanding and knowledge retention, our comprehensive resource covers essential topics in Civics for Class 6 students. From understanding government structures and functions to learning about rights, responsibilities, and citizenship, our question answer guide provides detailed explanations and insights.
Through interactive exercises and practical examples, students can develop critical thinking skills and gain a deeper understanding of the democratic processes and systems. Prepare for exams or supplement your learning with our reliable Class 6 Civics book question answer solutions. Empower yourself with the knowledge and awareness of civic values and principles. Unlock the key concepts of Civics and become an informed and engaged citizen with our comprehensive question answer guide.
Ch 06 Urban Administration

Give short answer type question (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 1 : What are the municipal corporations ?
Answer : Municipal Corporations are the urban local governments which are set up in large cities with a population of more than 1 million.
Ques 2 : What right do the 73rd and 74th Amendments grant to municipal bodies ?
Answer : The 73rd and 74th Amendments allow the states to give the responsibility of water supply and sanitation to the Panchayati Raj in rural areas or municipalities in urban areas.
Ques 3 : Who are the aldermen ?
Answer : Some well-known and distinguished people of the city are also made the members of the corporation. These people are known as aldermen.
Ques 4 : Which are some of the taxes paid to the municipal corporations ?
Answer : Water tax, electricity tax, property tax, entertainment tax, toll tax, etc.
Ques 5 : What is sub-contracting ?
Answer : Nowadays, many Municipal Corporations are hiring private contractors to help them in various activities such as collection and disposal of garbage and cleaning streets. This is called sub-contracting.
Give long Answer type Questions. (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 1 : What are the sources of income for the municipal corporations ?
Answer : The municipal corporation has to perform many functions and provide many facilities. The money needed for its work is collected through various taxes such as property tax which is the tax on houses, hotels, shops and land, water tax, electricity tax, toll tax on bridges and roads, education tax, vehicle tax and entertainment tax which is the tax that we pay for a movie ticket or an amusement park ticket. Apart from these, the municipal corporation collects fees for registration of births, marriages and deaths, and also gets grants from the State government.
Ques 2 : Write a note on water provisions of the municipal bodied ?
Answer : According to the Indian Constitution, water supply and sanitation are responsibilities of the state. The 73rd and 74th Amendments allow the states to give these responsibilities to the Panchayati Raj institutions in rural areas or municipalities in urban areas. Presently, states generally plan and operate water supply schemes through their State departments or State water boards. According to the Twelfth Schedule, urban municipal bodies can supply water for domestic, industrial and commercial purposes.
Irregularity and poor performance of municipal water suppliers is an issue in many large Indian cities. The country also faces issues like ill-treatment of water, depletion of ground water and supply of insufficient and poor quality of water.
Ques 3 : What are some ways by which people can express their grievances ?
Answer : There are different issues that plague the local residents of every area. In order to address these issues, they can voice their grievances to their municipal bodies in many ways.
• They can sign a petition letter and send it to the Municipal Commissioner.
• They can contact their municipalities online.
• They can write letters to the newspapers citing their problems.
• They can protest and organize rallies or strikes.
Ch 07 Rural Administration

Give short answer type question (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 1 : Which officers assist the Superintendent of Police?
Answer : The Deputy Superintendent, inspectors, sub-inspectors, assistant sub-inspectors, constables and head constables, all assist the Superintendent of Police.
Ques 2 : What is the duty of a chowkidar?
Answer : Chowkidars are appointed to look after the law and order in the villages. They keep a check on criminal activities and help the police.
Ques 3 : Write a few lines on jail?
Answer : Each district has a jail where the criminals and under trials are kept behind bars. A jail also serves as a correction home where the criminals get a chance to reform and become good citizens. The jailer is the officer in charge of a jail.
Ques 4 : What are the duties of a District Collector?
Answer : The head of the district administration is the District Collector, also called the Deputy Commissioner. The District Collector is in charge of the administration of the whole district. He ensures that basic amenities such as health services, education and sanitation are available to the people of the district. He coordinates the working of the various departments of his district.
Ques 5 : Write is the main duty of the police?
Answer : The main duty of the police is to maintain law and order. Each state in India has its own police force which maintains law and order, solves crimes and settles disputes.
Give long Answer type Questions. (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 1 : Write a note on district administration?
Answer : All states in India are divided into districts. In order to collect revenue and maintain land records, each district is further divided into sub-divisions which are called tehsils or talukas and are supervised by tehsildars. These are again divided into parganas. A group of villages make a pargana.
The head of the district administration is the District Collector, also called the Deputy Commissioner. The revenue officers (tehsildars) work under him.

Ques 2 : Who is a patwari? What are his duties?
Answer : The patwari collects detailed information about facts like the owner of each plot of land, the size of the land, and the crops grown on the land. He measures the various plots of land and records the dimensions. He also conducts inspections to find out the yield from the land after each harvest.
The patwari is also responsible for collecting land revenue from the farmers in the villages.
Ques 3 : What is Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act of 2005?
Answer : For a long time, women did not have any rights over land. They could not inherit any property. They were only allowed to work on land, but not own it. The property was divided among the men in the family, while he women were denied their share. An amendment to the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 was brought about on 9 September, 2005. The Act brings all agricultural land at par with other property and makes Hindu women inherit rights on land legally equal to those of men in all states. The Act also gives all daughters (married or not) the right to receive a part of the family house.
Differentiate between the following terms (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 1 : Deputy Collector and Superintendent of the Police.
Answer : Deputy Collector is the head of the district administration while the Superintendent of the Police is the head of the police administration at the district level.
Ques 2 : Patwari and Tehsildar.
Answer : Patwari is a government officer who maintains and updates land records while tehsildars are revenue officers who supervise the work of the patwaris working under them.
Ch 08 Rural Livelihoods

Give short answer type question (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 1 : Define livelihood.
Answer : Livelihood refers to the means of earning money. It means any work done by people in order to earn their living.
Ques 2: What do you mean by animal husbandry?
Answer : Animal husbandry means farming that involves rearing animals to produce food.
Ques 3: Name some products that people living near forest areas collect and sell.
Answer : Firewood, honey, herbs, fruits, mahua flowers and tendu leaves are a few products sold by people living near forests.
Ques 4: Why do agriculture labourers migrate to urban areas?
Answer : Agricultural labourers migrate to urban areas in search of work.
Ques 5: How do small formers accumulate debt?
Answer : Small farmers often have to borrow money from the moneylenders, traders or rich farmers, to buy basic items such as pesticides, seeds, fertilizers, etc. If they cannot repay the loan, they fall into debt.
Give long Answer type Questions (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 1: Who are the middle level farmers? Explain.
Answer : The farmers who own small plots of land are small or middle level farmers. They work on their land with their families. Often several such farming families work together on each other’s land. They cannot afford to use modern irrigation systems or farming techniques. Some of these farmers use cattle to till the soil in the fields.
Small farmers are usually able to grow just enough for their needs. Sometimes the produce is a little extra and they sell it in the market. However, they are not able to earn much from their land. They often have to borrow money from moneylenders, traders or rich farmers to buy basic items such as pesticides, seeds and fertilizers.
Ch 09 Urban Livelihoods
Give short answer type question (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 2: What are hawking zones?
Answer : Hawking zones are areas allotted to hawkers and vendors.
Ques 3: Who are street vendors?
Answer : People who sell things on the streets or roads in cities are referred to as hawkers or street vendors.
Ques 4: Why are hawkers sometimes considered as an inconvenience?
Answer : Hawkers are sometimes considered an inconvenience as they obstruct traffic.
Give long Answer type Questions (Class 6 Civics)
Ques 1: Who are casual workers? What are some problems faced by them?
Answer : Casual workers or daily wage workers are those who work on a daily basis according to the need of the employer e.g. factory workers, painters etc. They face problems such as no job security, meagre incomes, long hours, etc.
Ques 2: What are some facilities enjoyed by people having regular or permanent jobs?
Answer : The advantages enjoyed by the permanent workers are—job security, regular income, various facilities such as medical leaves, holidays, additional annual leaves etc.
Ques 3: What are the difficulties faced by the self-employed people in urban areas?
Answer : The difficulties faced by the self-employed people are, no job security and they are unable to take a day off. There is no fixed income, etc.
Ques 4: Write a note on professionals?
Answer : Professionals are people who do work that requires special education, training and skill. Lawyers, doctors, make-up artists, tutors etc., are a few example of professionals. They may work for certain organizations or be self-employed.