
Mathematics is a unique and fundamental science that studies numbers, shapes, patterns, and spatial structures. It is a field of science that develops based on logical reasoning and precision. Mathematics is not only essential for science and engineering but also a crucial tool for solving everyday problems. It is used in financial calculations, statistics, data analysis, physical sciences, computer science, and even in art and music.

The roots of mathematics can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was used for trade, agriculture, and astronomy. Greek, Egyptian, and Indian mathematicians developed mathematical principles in their respective times, which still form the basis of our modern mathematics. Greek mathematician, Euclid organized geometry, while Indian mathematicians Aryabhata and Brahmagupta introduced the concept of zero and the decimal system.

Today, mathematics is divided into several branches, including:

  1. Arithmetic (अंकगणित): The study of numbers and their properties.
  2. Geometry ( ज्यामिति): The study of shapes and spatial relationships.
  3. Algebra (बीजगणित): The study of calculations using symbols and equations with numbers.
  4. Trigonometry (त्रिकोंमिति): The study of triangles and their angles.
  5. Calculus (कैलकुलस): The study of change and motion.

Mathematics not only fosters logical and problem-solving skills but also inspires thinking power and creativity. It is a powerful tool for understanding and solving the mysteries of the world. Without mathematics, progress in modern technology, science, and other areas of life would not be possible. This unique world of mathematics presents infinite possibilities of knowledge and discovery not only for scholars but for everyone.

सर्वनाम (Pronoun) किसे कहते है? परिभाषा, भेद एवं उदाहरण भगवान शिव के 12 ज्योतिर्लिंग | नाम, स्थान एवं स्तुति मंत्र प्रथम विश्व युद्ध: विनाशकारी महासंग्राम | 1914 – 1918 ई.