Kardashev scale

The Kardashev scale is a hypothetical framework proposed by the Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. It classifies civilizations based on their ability to harness and use energy. The scale is named after Kardashev and consists of three types, each representing a different level of technological advancement and energy utilization:

  1. Type I Civilization (Planetary Civilization or K1):
    • A Type I civilization can harness and control all the energy resources available on its home planet.
    • This includes renewable energy sources, geothermal energy, and other planetary-scale power sources.
    • Currently, Earth is not yet classified as a Type I civilization.
  2. Type II Civilization (Stellar Civilization or K2):
    • A Type II civilization is capable of harnessing the energy output of its entire star.
    • This often involves constructing a Dyson Sphere or a similar megastructure to capture and utilize the star’s energy.
    • Such a civilization would have an immense capability to manipulate and control the energy of its solar system.
  3. Type III Civilization (Galactic Civilization or K3):
    • A Type III civilization can harness the energy of an entire galaxy.
    • This would require the ability to colonize and utilize the resources of multiple star systems within the galaxy.
    • The civilization would possess technologies far beyond our current understanding.

Nikolai Kardashev

Nikolai Kardashev is a Russian astrophysicist born on April 25, 1932. He is best known for proposing the Kardashev scale, a theoretical framework for classifying civilizations based on their ability to harness and use energy. Kardashev’s work has been influential in discussions related to the technological development and potential trajectories of advanced civilizations.

Key points about Nikolai Kardashev and the Kardashev scale include:

  1. Kardashev Scale:
    • In 1964, Kardashev introduced the Kardashev scale in a paper titled “Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations,” published in the Soviet scientific journal “Soviet Astronomy.”
    • The scale categorizes civilizations into three types (Type I, Type II, and Type III) based on their ability to harness and control energy resources at different scales—planetary, stellar, and galactic.
  2. Type I Civilization (Planetary Civilization):
    • A Type I civilization can harness and control all the energy resources available on its home planet.
  3. Type II Civilization (Stellar Civilization):
    • A Type II civilization can harness and control the energy output of its entire star.
  4. Type III Civilization (Galactic Civilization):
    • A Type III civilization can harness and control the energy of an entire galaxy.
  5. Other Contributions:
    • Kardashev’s work extends beyond the Kardashev scale. He has also contributed to the study of quasars and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
  6. Recognition and Influence:
    • The Kardashev scale has become a widely recognized and referenced concept in discussions about the potential development of advanced civilizations, especially in the context of astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life.
  7. Later Career:
    • Kardashev has had a long and distinguished career in astrophysics and has been involved in various scientific endeavors. He continued to contribute to scientific research and discussions related to space exploration.

Nikolai Kardashev’s theoretical framework has sparked discussions about the future trajectory of human civilization and the possibilities of extraterrestrial civilizations. While the concept of the Kardashev scale is speculative, it provides a useful way to think about the energy utilization capabilities of advanced societies.

Origin of the classification of the Kardashev scale

The Kardashev scale was introduced by the Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev in a paper titled “Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations,” which was published in the Soviet scientific journal “Soviet Astronomy” in 1964. In this paper, Kardashev explores the potential for detecting extraterrestrial civilizations by looking for their energy signatures.

The concept of the Kardashev scale emerged as a way to classify civilizations based on their technological capabilities and energy consumption. Kardashev proposed three types to help categorize civilizations according to their ability to harness and use energy at different scales.

The scale has since become a popular and widely referenced framework for discussions about the potential technological development of civilizations, especially in the context of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) and discussions about the future trajectory of human civilization. While the scale is a valuable tool for conceptualizing different levels of technological advancement, it’s important to note that it remains largely speculative, and as of now, there is no direct evidence of civilizations classified by the Kardashev scale beyond Type 0 (sub-global culture) on Earth.

Type 0 civilization

A Type 0 civilization, often referred to as a “sub-global culture” or a pre-planetary civilization, is a hypothetical stage in the Kardashev scale where a civilization has not yet achieved the ability to harness and control all the energy resources available on its home planet. Characteristics of a Type 0 civilization include:

  1. Limited Energy Control: A Type 0 civilization cannot harness all available energy resources on its planet. It may rely on basic, localized energy sources.
  2. Limited Technological Advancement: Technological development is limited, and the civilization may not have achieved global communication or space exploration capabilities.
  3. Regional or Tribal Societies: Social organization is likely to be in the form of regional or tribal societies. Cooperation and communication may be limited to smaller groups.
  4. Limited Environmental Impact: The civilization’s impact on the planet’s environment is relatively modest compared to more advanced civilizations.
  5. Natural Resource Dependence: The civilization is likely dependent on basic natural resources for its survival, with limited ability to manipulate the environment on a global scale.

Humanity is generally considered to be in the process of transitioning from a Type 0 to a Type I civilization. As we advance technologically, develop global communication networks, and strive to harness more sustainable energy sources, we move closer to achieving the characteristics of a Type I civilization on the Kardashev scale.


Energy usage106 W to 1016 W
Population10 billion people (1010)
Existence3d (conceptualized 4d) and 1r (reality)
TravelLocal area
Close interplanetary
State of formssingle biological
WMD scaleNuclear, radiological, chemical, biological
Industrial revolutionsAgriculture Industry
Computing:Kilo scale (103) in early computers, to zetta scale (1021) in global weather prediction
Dominant proliferationOrdinary biological reproduction
Social weakeningFamine and disease without proper mitigation capacity (solution: biotech agriculture and medicine)
Social dreamGlobal cultural dominance
Class systemProliferated by current ruling class with heuristics (e.g. consent of governed) to allow coordination

Type I civilization

A Type I civilization with ≈4×1019 erg/sec (1016), as per the Kardashev scale, is a hypothetical planetary civilization that has achieved a significant level of technological advancement and is capable of harnessing and utilizing all available energy resources on its home planet. This includes renewable energy sources, geothermal energy, and other planetary-scale power sources.

Key characteristics of a Type I civilization include:

  1. Global Energy Control: The civilization can effectively control and harness all the energy resources available on its planet.
  2. Renewable Energy Mastery: It has mastered the use of renewable energy sources and can generate power sustainably.
  3. Climate and Environmental Stewardship: The civilization is likely to have advanced environmental management capabilities, minimizing the negative impact on its planet’s ecosystems.
  4. Advanced Technology: A Type I civilization possesses advanced technologies that allow for efficient energy production, distribution, and utilization.
  5. Global Communication: Communication and information exchange are likely to be globalized and highly advanced.
  6. Space Exploration Capability: While not required by the definition, a Type I civilization might begin to explore and colonize other celestial bodies within its solar system.

As of now, humanity is not classified as a Type I civilization on the Kardashev scale. We are still in the process of transitioning from a Type 0 civilization (subglobal culture) to a Type I, as we continue to advance technologically and develop our energy infrastructure. The concept of the Kardashev scale provides a speculative framework for understanding the potential future trajectory of civilizations based on their technological capabilities and energy usage.


Energy usage1016 W to 1026 W
Population100 billion people (1011)
Existence3d (with early 4d science) and 1r (reality)
TravelInterplanetary and close interstellar spacecraft approaching light speeds and possible natural wormholes are found.
State of formsbiological and augmented
WMD scaleNuclear
Longevity100 – 350+
Industrial revolutionsasteroid mining gas giant mining
ComputingZettascale (1021) and beyond
Dominant proliferation
Social weakeningBourgeois behavior and boredom due to the elimination of manual labor (cured by psionics or intellectual and explorative pursuits)
Social dreamEudaimonia where a species flourishes, and is prosperous, happy, and blessed
Class systemSuperiority by natural ability via ethical calculus (allotment of priority in rated education by talent using giftedness in children as a social analyst)

Type II civilization

A Type II civilization with an energy consumption of ≈4×1033 erg/sec (1026), according to the Kardashev scale, is a hypothetical stellar civilization that has advanced to the point of harnessing and utilizing the entire energy output of its home star. This civilization would be capable of building megastructures, such as a Dyson Sphere or Dyson Swarm, to capture and control a significant portion of the star’s energy. The key characteristics of a Type II civilization include:

  1. Dyson Sphere or Equivalent Megastructure: The civilization is capable of constructing massive structures around its star to capture and use its energy. A Dyson Sphere is a hypothetical shell or series of structures that completely encompasses a star, allowing the civilization to harvest the star’s energy output.
  2. Vast Energy Manipulation: The civilization can manipulate stellar-scale energy, enabling it to meet its energy needs on a level that far surpasses that of a Type I civilization.
  3. Interstellar Travel and Colonization: With the ability to harness stellar energy, a Type II civilization might have advanced space travel capabilities, allowing it to explore and colonize other star systems within its galaxy.
  4. Immense Technological Advancement: Technological achievements of a Type II civilization would be significantly beyond those of a Type I. The mastery of stellar-scale energy implies a deep understanding of physics, materials science, and engineering.

It’s important to note that as of now, there is no evidence of any civilization reaching Type II status in the universe. The concept of the Kardashev scale remains a theoretical framework used to explore the potential trajectories of advanced civilizations based on their energy utilization capabilities. Humanity is currently considered to be at a much earlier stage, transitioning from a Type 0 to a Type I civilization.


Energy usage1026 W to 1036 W
Population1 Quadrillion (1015) people
Existence4d (awareness of 5d) and 1r (reality)
TravelInterstellar through galaxy
State of formsHive minds (surrogacy or avatar)
WMD scaleTrans-dimensional; monopole enhanced nuclear weapons; Q-ball world destroyers
Longevity350 – 500+
Industrial revolutionsWarp portal
Warp drive
Dyson sphere (and swarm)
Galactic Exploration
Dominant proliferationDimensional miscegenation cultsUnified transhuman society
Social weakeningDimensional fallout or hyper radiation where dimensionally alternate 2d has disastrous effects on health (solution – Avatar allowing re-hosting of the contaminated)
Social dreamEden or religiously motivated megastructure projects
Class systemIdeology meaning the general availability of superiority makes your motivations and commitments a value-set

Type III civilization

A Type III civilization with ≈4×1044 erg/sec (1036), according to the Kardashev scale, is a hypothetical galactic civilization that has achieved the ability to harness and control the entire energy output of its entire galaxy. This level of technological advancement is far beyond that of Type I and Type II civilizations. Key characteristics of a Type III civilization include:

  1. Galactic Energy Mastery: The civilization can harness and utilize the energy produced by all the stars within its galaxy. This implies the construction of structures or mechanisms on a galactic scale.
  2. Megastructures and Galaxy-Spanning Technology: A Type III civilization might build colossal structures or employ technologies that extend across entire galaxies. This could involve capturing energy from multiple stars simultaneously.
  3. Interstellar Travel on a Galactic Scale: The civilization would likely have mastered interstellar travel on a scale that allows it to explore and colonize multiple star systems within its galaxy.
  4. Advanced Information Processing: With such vast energy resources and likely extensive colonization efforts, a Type III civilization would require advanced information processing capabilities to manage and coordinate activities across a galactic scale.
  5. Incomprehensible Technological Advancement: The technological achievements of a Type III civilization would be so advanced that they might be difficult for a Type 0 or even a Type I civilization to fully comprehend.


Energy usage1036 W to 1046 W
Population100 Quadrillion (1017) people
Existence5d (awareness of 6d) and 1r (reality)
TravelIntergalactic through space lanes or artificial wormhole nexus networks or stargates.
State of formEventually projected energy and transcendentalism
WMD scaleInterphase bombs; black hole bombs and wormhole implodes
Longevity500 – 1,000 (for biological) or immortal for AI
Industrial revolutionsMatter replication at the quantum level
SprawlDark space
Social dreamMantle of Responsibility (self-assumed stewardship over the balance of galactic power)
Class systemEmotive quality as a social lynchpin to reconsolidate group cooperation over an increasingly independent population

Our progression through the types

Currently, humans are in 0.73 civilizations. According to Carl Sagan, Type I should be reached around 2100. Physicist and futurist Michio Kaku has suggested that, if humans increase their energy consumption at an average rate of 3 percent per year, they could reach Type I status in 100–200 years, Type II status in a few thousand years, and Type III status in 100,000 to a million years.

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