Future of computer (2023 – Future)

Future of computer

The future of computers is a fascinating topic that has been the subject of much discussion and speculation in recent years. While it is impossible to predict the future with absolute certainty, there are several trends that are likely to shape the evolution of computers in the coming years. Here are some potential developments that … Read more

What is Cryptography?


Cryptography is a powerful tool that helps to keep data secure. It is a method of protecting information by transforming it into an unreadable format that can only be accessed with the right key or code. Cryptography has been used for centuries to protect important documents, communications, and other sensitive information. In today’s digital world, … Read more

Mobile app development (1990-Present)

Mobile app development

Mobile app development is the process of creating software applications that are designed to run on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps are designed to provide a wide range of functionality to users, from entertainment and social networking to productivity and utility. The mobile app development process typically involves several steps, including … Read more

Robots and Robotics

Robots and Robotics

A robot is a programmable machine that can perform a range of tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously. Robots come in many different shapes and sizes, and they can be designed to perform a wide variety of tasks, from manufacturing and assembly to healthcare, exploration, and entertainment. Robots are typically made up of a combination of hardware … Read more

Artificial Intelligent (AI) (1940-Present)

Artificial Intelligent (AI) (1940-Present)

Artificial Intelligent (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches, but advancements in machine learning and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry.  Artificial intelligence allows machines to model, and … Read more

Sensational Headphone: A Positive Acoustic |1890-Present


Headphones are hardware devices that can be connected to a computer, laptop, smartphone, MP3 player, or other device to listen to audio without disturbing anyone nearby. They are plug-and-play devices that do not require installation before use. Headphones are also known as in-ear headphones or headphones, depending on the style. Introduction Headphones are a pair … Read more

Magic of PlayStation: A Gaming Marvel |1994-Present


PlayStation is a brand of a series of game consoles created and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. PlayStation was first introduced in December 1994 in Japan, when Sony released the first PlayStation console. As of 2011, the brand consists of three consoles, a handheld console, a media center, an online service and a line of … Read more

MS Excel (1985-Present)

Ms Excel

MS Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program included with Microsoft Office and is mainly used to record data in tables. It consists of several rows and columns, which can be used to enter data. The program is considered helpful for various tasks, such as calculating weekly expenses, making payslips, accounting, and interactively sorting/filtering data by … Read more

What is Antivirus, Definition, Benefits (1965-Present)


Antivirus is a kind of software used to prevent, scan, detect and delete viruses from a computer. Once installed, most antivirus software runs automatically in the background to provide real-time protection against virus attacks. Comprehensive virus protection programs help protect your files and hardware from malware such as worms, Trojan horses and spyware, and may … Read more

सर्वनाम (Pronoun) किसे कहते है? परिभाषा, भेद एवं उदाहरण भगवान शिव के 12 ज्योतिर्लिंग | नाम, स्थान एवं स्तुति मंत्र प्रथम विश्व युद्ध: विनाशकारी महासंग्राम | 1914 – 1918 ई.