Preposition: Definition, Types, and 100+ Examples


A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in a sentence. Prepositions often indicate location, direction, time, or relationships between different elements in a sentence. Some common prepositions include “in,” “on,” “under,” “over,” “between,” “beside,” “through,” “with,” and “among.” Here are a few examples: Prepositions help … Read more

Interjection: Definition, Types, and 100+ Examples

Interjection Definition, Types, and 100+ Examples

An interjection is a part of speech that expresses strong emotion, surprise, joy, approval, disapproval, or other intense feelings. Interjections are often standalone words or short phrases and are not grammatically connected to the rest of the sentence. They can convey a speaker’s emotional state or reaction to a situation. Here are some examples of … Read more

Future Tense: Definition, Types, and 100+ Examples

Future Tense

The future tense (abbreviated fut) is a grammatical tense used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future. In English, there are several ways to express the future tense: It’s important to note that while English uses specific words or constructions to denote the future tense, some languages may convey future actions or … Read more

Present Tense: Definition, Types, and 100+ Examples

Present Tense

The present tense  (abbreviated pres or prs) is a grammatical tense that describes actions happening right now or states that exist in the present. There are four main present tense forms in English: These present tenses allow speakers and writers to convey different nuances of time and action in the present. Definition of Present Tense The definition of … Read more

Conjunction: Definition, Types, 100+ Example


Conjunctions (abbreviated conj or cnj) are words that connect or join words, phrases, clauses, or sentences in a sentence. They serve to establish relationships and coherence between different parts of a sentence. There are three main types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and correlative conjunctions. What is Conjunction? A conjunction is a part of speech that connects … Read more

सर्वनाम (Pronoun) किसे कहते है? परिभाषा, भेद एवं उदाहरण भगवान शिव के 12 ज्योतिर्लिंग | नाम, स्थान एवं स्तुति मंत्र प्रथम विश्व युद्ध: विनाशकारी महासंग्राम | 1914 – 1918 ई.